Today I decided to take advantage of my free Sunday and spend some quality time in the studio. But I wasn't making jewelry...I was painting!

I haven't painted in a while and I am trying to get back in the swing of things. Not only do I have works to create for my MA Thesis project, but I'd like to have some artworks completed so I can enter them in the
OAL Fall Juried Show.
Below is one of my works-in-progress. I am using modeling paste to build up the surface and then piping the paste using pastry bags to create a confectionary texture.
I haven't thought about colors yet; I do like the subtle differences that you can see while the canvas is white.

I am also prepping some panels for a series that I am working on about the places I have lived. I created a similar series called "Nine Homes" for my BFA show back in 2003. Now, I have 11 "homes" and I am using the fabulous features of Google Maps to create abstract map-scapes.
But I can only do 5 right now, because Utrecht only had 5 of the 8x8" panels I need! And they're not available online. Maybe I can convince them to order more for me...