Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shop Local for the Holidays!

Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Look no further than the talented artists and crafters in Columbus, Ohio! I created this compilation of local Etsy sellers to show what creative and beautiful work is made right here in central Ohio.

Wondering how you can find sellers on Etsy from your area? Just use the Shop Local tool at Etsy.com!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Holiday Craziness!!

Okay kids, the holidays are almost upon us (well, not really...it's not even Thanksgiving yet!), but I am already gearing up for a jam-packed December.

First up is my trunk show at What The Rock?! (see flyer below). If you haven't been to WTR before, you should definitely get yourself there. They have a variety of rock n' roll themed items from t-shirts to baby onesies to books and CDs. Mike and Heather, the owners, are great people and try to give local artists and crafty folks opportunities to sell their handmade wares. For example: they sell my friend Megan's grenade-shaped StinkyBomb soaps! They also sell my Sweet Stella Designs items.

I have already received some very cool press about my trunk show on December 6th from the Columbus ALIVE, as well as a listing in the Short North Arts District's newsletter (scroll down to the bottom for my event listing).

That same night is the opening for Ohio Art League's Annual Thumb Box Exhibition and Roy G. Biv's Members' Small Works Exhibition. I plan on having a piece in OAL's show and a few at Roy. Stop by during the Short North Holiday Hop and check 'em out!

In addition, C-Note Art Show is coming up the weekend of December 12-13. Visit the C-Note website or see the sidebar of my blog for times, location, and details.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanks, Columbus ALIVE!

One great thing about the Dispatch and the Columbus ALIVE is the value they place on DIY & locally-produced items. I think the editors and writers have taken note that people are interested in the do-it-yourself mentality and prefer to buy items that are hand-made or created in Columbus.

This week's issue features holiday gift guides and in addition to my jewelry being featured (in relation to my Holiday Hop Trunk Show @ What The Rock on December 6th), some very fabulous folks also got shout-outs in the 20 for $20 Gift Guide, including WTR, Poshta Designs, Yumi Yumi, Tandi's Glass, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, Umbrella Girl Productions, Skreened, Wholly Craft & Tigertree, to name a few.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tiny Canary This Weekend!

Saturday and Sunday, November 15-16
10am - 6pm each day
at Junctionview Studios (889 Williams Ave. Columbus OH)

Let the countdown begin...
Tiny Canary is this weekend!

For 2 days, Junctionview Studios in Grandview will be transformed into a temporary marketplace where you will have the opportunity to buy directly from local and regional artists and designers.

Skip the mall, buy handmade, and start your holiday shopping early! You are sure to find original, high quality handmade gifts for all those on your list!

Be one of the
first 100 guests in the door each day and you will receive an organic cotton tote bag filled with samples, coupons and other goodies from our vendors and sponsors.Food and refreshments will be available from Rad Dog, Pattycake Bakery and Kevin's Espresso Cart. Admission and parking are FREE!

Visit the Tiny Canary website for directions and a preview of the participating vendors.

Inquiries? Contact thebird@tinycanary.com.

* Please note that Sweet Stella Designs will be a vendor on Sunday, November 16th only!*

Monday, November 10, 2008

Vote for Me!

I'm happy to be a part of the C-Note Art Show that's going to be happening at Junctionview Studios in December. The premise is that every item in the show is priced at $100. Part of the process for the show is that people can vote for their favorite artists through the website. Artists with the most votes will be granted prime spots in the art show.

So visit www.cnoteartshow.com and scroll down to find the artist bio and images for Amy Neiwirth. Then, click on the "plus sign" to vote! You can only vote one time per day per IP address. So vote often!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

My MA Thesis Show

My MA thesis project exhibition was tonight! It was so amazing to finally see all my hard work on the walls (and my massive 180-page paper in my advisor's hands!) I had a great time tonight at the reception, and thanks to everyone who came out to see my work.

I wound up selling a painting to my friend Olivia, but it was a painting from my studio that wasn't actually part of the show. I hope she finds the perfect place for it in her aqua living room!
Special thanks to Adam for helping me hang all my work (without him, it would have taken me 7 hours) and Tamalynn for baking such wonderful cupcakes and cookies! And Devon did a fabulous job of making the floors look and smell lovely.

My parents took lots of photos of the reception tonight, and I will try to post those as soon as my folks put them on to a disc for me.

Now, for a brief moment, I am wondering what to do with myself. Then, I remember that Tiny Canary is next weekend, after that is my thesis project defense, then OAL submissions and proposals are due, then is my Holiday Hop trunk show at What the Rock, my school's Scholarship Dinner, C-Note Art Show, and OSU graduation.

I will sleep after December 14th.