Wednesday, October 17, 2007


For the past 3 weeks, a rogue onion has been sprouting shoots. It became like a pet of sorts. I was so amazed by the growth that occurred with no soil/nourishment whatsoever.

I had full intentions of chopping up that onion and putting it in something delicious, but I just couldn't do it after the sprouts started growing; it was just too interesting!

Sadly, the onion is no longer with us, but its spirit will live on through this photo. Seriously, look at how tall those green sprouts are. I am still amazed!

In other news, the Agora III art show was a great time. I had Randall's camera with me, so I haven't had the chance to upload those photos quite yet.
It was so amazing seeing all of the artwork up on the walls (over 200 artists!). I was continually impressed by the awesome extras that the Couchfire Collective folks put together, like the full-color program books, t-shirts, buttons, etc.

It was also thrilling to see my work up in a gallery setting. My pieces read so differently when they're not in my house. Check them out:

More photos to come. In the meantime, check out this piece from the Columbus Dispatch: "Different Strokes"

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